New Story Alert

Hello, hello! We are due to get back on schedule here in a minute. Upcoming, the next in the Hintlord series will be on characters who are not you, and how to craft them! A request from a regular reader! So look forward to that. But before that:

Click here to read my new story over at Crack the Spine.

Impossibly Tender by yours truly is about a man who negotiates fatherhood in the worst possible way. :)


Lounging in Limbo: Between Writing Projects

I sat down the other night at my laptop and thought, ‘Time to write.’

It took a second before I realized I didn’t have anything to work on. There was a minute pause wherein I was confused, a little disappointed, but then overwhelming happiness burst through and I ran away to goof off.

Having finished work for now on that other project I just edited, there’s little to be done in Camp Robyn. Well, I say that knowing I could immediately start into another project if I wanted. There’s always SOMETHING to be written. However I’m a staunch believer in a palate cleanser between projects.

As a cadet novelist, my “projects” are largely 50K+ words, so as a palate cleanser I tend to do a short story or some other side project. So that’s what I plan on turning my attention to in the time it takes my agent to go over this new novel. Will I be able to sell the short story? Who knows. I still have two in backlog that need to be sent out more aggressively, which is a whole other story.

In the interim where I’m not noveling, I’ll be working on said short story and I plan on doing a series of posts about some short story assistance ranging from writing to actually getting them published. I often ask questions on my Instagram story to see what the people would like to see and so far I have a queued ask for help on making human characters, which will be coming up.

Any more requests? Hit me up there or here in the comments. Also you can now subscribe to a newsletter at the bottom, alerting you to any new posts!