Return of the Complainer


Sweet Jesus on a plaid donkey! That was a long hiatus!

I return to you on the eve of February bringing glad tidings: one, I am, in fact, not dead.

Two, I’m still writing, of course.

Three, I finished my Nano with time to spare in November and came out of it with a first draft. Now, have I edited that draft? Of course not. But that’s only because I’ve been busy writing elsewhere. I have a short story coming out in New South here in a few months — the project was delayed by COVID, go figure — and luckily for all of us, some of my old magazine contracts are coming up on their end. You know what that means! Rights revert back to me and I can post them so you, the people, can enjoy them.

So that got me thinking. I should make a haven or hub for my writing. And so I’ve done it. If you feel like reading some of my work — currently working on a story called Come, Thou Almighty! , posted chapter by chapter — or just supporting me, you can head over to my kofi below. Just click that black button. There you’ll find stories, OSTs for stories, some of my more audacious writing tips, et al.

That being said, I will return to writing here as well! With a more regular schedule. Seasonal depression will not defeat me. The show must go on.