Summer Update

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The summer is GRUELING. Beat after beat of sun on my poor body. I mostly stay inside, these days.

Rather than complain about my sequestering during Corona — as I am wont to do — I will list the good things of this week:

  1. I finished my MS and sent it off to my agent. (!!)

  2. I have a short story coming out next week here.

  3. My dog got a bath and he smells like a toasted marshmallow.

Things aren’t always as bad as they seem. In other news, I’m vastly cutting down my involvement with social media, and soon I will be deleting my Twitter account. I never really use it anyway and the amount of bullshit discourse I see on there only makes me angry. You can’t fight everyone, I’ve learned. You can only put a box over your head and pretend they don’t exist.

In other other news, I’m continuing with my Hintlord series, so if there’s something writerly you’d like me to discuss, hit me up in the contacts!