Robyn Ritchie

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Christmas Oofs

I'm sleepy, goddammit! It's Christmas, goddammit!

So I haven’t been doing too much lately due to all this goddamn coziness. I don’t think I have winter depression yet, like I usually do. Maybe it’s waiting around the January corner after the holly and spice of the season has washed away and nothing is left but an endless tundra. Who knows. What I do know is that I do need to find SOME motivation for the following things:

  • Sending out thank you cards.

  • Editing my novel, which I have been doing but only in spurts.

  • Cleaning out the fridge.

  • Getting the house in order to leave for a week.

So I’m off for my honeymoon for a week in about… a week or so. You won’t hear from me much during that time, but I do hope to get one more crafty blog post out before then. On Insta, it was voted that I do one about sex scenes and I’m still trying to compile it in my head. It’s really such a VAST thing to talk about, filled with twists and turns, but what it comes right down to is: don’t be unsexy. That’s all. But of course I’ll EXPOUND. Anyway, more on that in the actual post.

Send me good wishes for the editing. More than anything, send me willpower.